Optimization of Patient Flow in UPA

Continuous improvement projects and actions focused on the care of patients and users of the SUS, according to the Lean Healthcare continuous improvement approach to optimize patient flow.

Investigate overcrowding of emergency services, carry out studies and research to Improve the Network and Promote Access to Health Services

XI Lean Six Sigma Congress

The Lean Six Sigma Congress, organized by GIGS – UNICAMP and LabDGE- UFF, has a history of unique annual events in relation to knowledge exchange, recognized for its academic-professional integration.

What is Lean Healthcare?

Lean Healthcare is an approach that seeks to apply the principles and tools of Lean Manufacturing in the healthcare context. The objective is to improve the efficiency and quality of health services, reducing waste, eliminating activities that do not add value and involving employees in identifying and solving problems. It can be applied in various health sectors, such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, doctors’ offices, among others. It can bring benefits such as reducing waiting times, improving patient safety, increasing employee productivity and reducing costs.

Where do we apply Lean Healthcare?

Discover the Lean project at UPA 24h

In this research project known as Lean Project at UPA II aimed at implementing hospital health care policy, it takes place through the cooperation of the Ministry of Health (MS) and Universidade Federal Fluminenses (UFF) where researchers from the Laboratory Design Thinking, Management and Industrial Engineering – LabDGE at UFF carry out the Study and Research to Improve the Network and Promote Access to Health Services, aiming to strengthen the Unified Health System.

Solutions Presented

This project seeks to investigate the overcrowding of emergency services, which represents a serious problem in the health system and the spontaneous demand from patients with simple illnesses exaggerates the number of patients receiving care in these units and hospitals. As a guideline, it is intended to implement continuous improvement projects and actions focused on the care of patients and users of the SUS, according to the Lean Healthcare continuous improvement approach to optimize patient flow in up to 50 (fifty) 24-hour UPA, distributed in strategic regions of the Brazil, based on the risk classification, the restructuring of a fast flow (Fast Track) of patient care in the 24-hour UPA will be promoted.

Lean numbers in Upas I and II



Total Improvements


Kaizen Project 1


Kaizen Project 2


Total Researchers


Total Participants


Research project

Ministry of Health – Lean in UPA 24 II

Study and Research to improve the Network and Promote Access to Health Services 15 (MS/UFF)

In this research project known as “Projeto Lean nas UPAs 24h – II” aimed at implementing hospital health care policy, it takes place through the cooperation of the Ministry of Health (MS) and Universidade Federal Fluminenses (UFF) where researchers from the Laboratory Design Thinking, Management and Industrial Engineering – LabDGE at UFF carry out the “Study and Research to Improve the Network and Promote Access to Health Services”, aiming to strengthen the Unified Health System – SUS. This research project seeks to investigate the overcrowding of emergency services, which represents a serious problem in the health system and the spontaneous demand from patients with simple illnesses exaggerates the number of patients receiving care in these units and hospitals.

As a guideline, it is intended to implement continuous improvement projects and actions focused on the care of patients and users of the SUS, according to the Lean Healthcare continuous improvement approach to optimize patient flow in up to 50 (fifty) 24-hour UPAs, distributed in strategic regions of the Brazil, based on the risk classification, the restructuring of a fast flow (Fast Track) of patient care in 24-hour UPAs will be promoted. The research project referring to the Decentralized Resource Execution Term No. 15/2021. Process No. 25000.103452/2021-14, fiscal year 2021 and under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Robisom D Calado (LABDGE-UFF).

Prof. Dr. Robisom Damasceno Calado

Professor Doctor, who is also coordinator of the LabDGE Laboratory at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, specializes in Production Engineering and has extensive experience in large multinational companies. He is a Black Belt and Specialist in Lean Healthcare, Lean Enterprise and digital transformation, and has worked on projects to improve production and management processes in companies from different sectors, such as healthcare, industry and services, over a 32-year career. in the market.


Testimony from employees who worked in the
management and improvement teams of Lean Projects in UPA I and II

Testimony from employees who worked in the management and improvement teams of Lean Projects in UPA I and II

Testimony from Marcílio
Testimony from Cleyson
Testimony from Nayara
Testimony from Abevailton
Testimony from Gabriel
Testimony from Débora

LabDGE – Laboratório Design Thinking, Gestão e Engenharia Industrial.
Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF. 

Av. Dos Trabalhadores n.º 420 – Vila Santa Cecília – Volta Redonda – RJ- CEP:27255125

Projeto Lean nas UPA 24H: projetoupa.labdge.proppi@id.uff.br 

Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Robisom D. Calado – robisomcalado@id.uff.br
Cel. (19) 99120-5528.

© Copyright 2022. UFF – Todos os direitos reservados.

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