Software / Applications

LabDGE Research Laboratory develops several applications and control and data collection software, learn about some of these systems.

Application Practices at UPAs 24h

foto imagem site controle de superlotação
The Practices in UPAs 24h Application allows authorized users access to improvement practices implemented in the 50 UPAs benefiting from the LEAN project in UPAs 24h. (Restricted access)

Data Collection Application (under construction)

foto imagem site controle de superlotação
The Data Collection application allows UPA users to add and manage the unit’s monitoring data through graphs and management indicators, providing a global view of process times and generating indicators such as the Average Length of Stay of Patients in UPAs, also allowing a comparison between pre-established periods (restricted access).

Overcrowding Application (under construction)

foto imagem site controle de superlotação
The Overcrowding Application measures the bed capacity of a UPA in relation to the metrics given by the user daily (restricted access).

MDE-S Self-Assessment Application

foto imagem site controle de superlotação
The MDE-s self-assessment application (Health Company Diagnosis Method) uses the mde-s method to assess the degree of organizational maturity for adopting Lean practices in healthcare units. (Restricted access).

Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF Volta Redonda

Av. Dos Trabalhadores n.º 420 – Vila Santa Cecília – Volta Redonda – RJ- CEP:27255125

Projeto Lean na UPA 24H (Ministério da Saúde)

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