

XI Lean Six Sigma

The Lean Six Sigma Congress has a history of unique annual knowledge exchange events. The eleventh meeting brings together cases and workshops offered by icons of lean thinking in the country and abroad.

Recording of the XI Lean Six Sigma Congress

Organized by the Health Innovation and Management Group – GIGS (State University of Campinas – UNICAMP) and Design Thinking, Management and Industrial Engineering Laboratory – LabDGE (Fluminense Federal University – UFF) it was based in the city of Campinas at the Convention Center of the State University of Campinas, always betting on the potential of collective intelligence and multidisciplinarity, favoring networks and opening up business possibilities.

Featured Presentations

Main thematic areas of this year’s congress

Health Sector,Food Sector,and Agro, Public Sector, Digital Transformation Sector


Photos from the XI Lean Six Sigma Congress

LabDGE – Laboratório Design Thinking, Gestão e Engenharia Industrial.
Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF. 

Av. Dos Trabalhadores n.º 420 – Vila Santa Cecília – Volta Redonda – RJ- CEP:27255125

Projeto Lean nas UPA 24H: 

Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Robisom D. Calado –
Cel. (19) 99120-5528.

© Copyright 2022. UFF – Todos os direitos reservados.

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